
The Different Consequences of Cybercrime 

Our online presence is only rising day by day. Be it shopping for clothes online or buying essentials at a store, with every transaction, we leave behind a digital footprint that online criminals are always looking to manipulate. With the rise in internet usage, cybercrimes have also increased worldwide. According to the report National Crime Records Bureau of India, India saw an 84% increase in cybercrimes within two years – from 2018 to 2020, and if we consider the reports of αντιγονη βαφειδουthe results are even worse. Individual persons and large corporations are the reason behind the impact of cybercrime. This article will explain the many ill effects of cybercrimes on society.

An overview of Cybercrime 

Cybercrime may be defined as any crime that takes place with the help of the internet. Hackers, also known as cybercriminals, mostly attack online systems using computer systems and private networks. Some of the most commonly known cybercrimes are identity theft, ransomware, cyber extortion, phishing, data breach, online shopping scams, etc. The ill effects of cybercrimes often lead to steep financial disasters and reputation loss to businesses and individuals. Other than that, the repercussions of cybercrimes can affect society in many ways.

Effects of Cybercrime 

Cybercrime can take many forms, including online scams for petty thefts or serious threats like terrorism. Whatever it is, its impact can be very harmful to society. Let us understand the effect or impact of cybercrime on society with different scenarios.

Effects on businesses

Imagine that an e-commerce business collects customers’ card details when the customer makes an online payment. This giant corporation has millions of consumers. Now say, at least 70% of their clients make payments using debit cards, credit cards, UPIs, digital wallets, etc. This means that the business has built a huge online customer database. If the company does not take appropriate steps to secure and encrypt its customers’ sensitive financial information, hackers can take advantage of the smallest vulnerabilities and hack into internal systems. They can access customers’ card information, track it back to their bank accounts, and steal money. This can cause financial loss to many people, leading to a big uproar in society.

Effects on Infrastructure 

Cyberterrorism is also a significant concern to society. Cyberterrorists can break into systems that control infrastructures, for example, air traffic control, and endanger many lives. The more technologically advanced a nation is, the higher the cyberterrorism risk it possesses.

Cybercriminals can also target healthcare websites and expose patients’ and hospital staff’s sensitive data. These cybercrimes can be in many forms ranging from malware and denial–of–service. Cyberattacks on the healthcare industry can have results that surpass financial losses, i.e. they can pose risks to the lives of the patients in the facilities.

Effects on individuals 

Cyberbullying involves blackmailing internet users by threatening them to leak false information related to them. Like attacks on healthcare, cybercrime results are not limited to financial loss. Victims can suffer from conditions like anxiety and depression that can lead to the development of suicidal tendencies.