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Common Types Of DUI Accidents

Car accidents are primarily caused due to negligence while driving. Often, not following different traffic laws has resulted in an accident. For example, one should not go under alcohol or drugs. Driving while intoxicated puts the driver at risk and endangers the pedestrians and other people’s lives on the road. You must contact a Philadelphia car accident attorney if a drunk driver has hit you. 

You can avoid such DUI accidents by being familiar with some common types. It could significantly help you and other passengers from being hit by a drunk driver. There are sure telltale signs of a drunk driver. You should look out if any driver is driving over the speed limit, not giving signals while turning, or anything suspicious. 

Before that, let us learn about different types of DUI accidents: 

  • Collisions

Collisions or crashes are one of the most common types of DUI accidents. A drunk driver can quickly lose control of the car when they are drunk. When a driver loses control, they will likely crash or collide their vehicle into another car’s rear or front end. 

Rear-end and head-on collisions are common accidents in various DUI cases. Drunk drivers can drive aggressively, which could cause significant damage and injuries. When you suspect a driver is going aggressively, you should maintain distance from them. 

  • Pedestrian accidents 

Many pedestrians have encountered injuries due to a drunk driving accident. Driving while being drunk can impair a driver’s vision or blind them temporarily. In such cases, the driver will not be able to see pedestrians and end up colliding with their car with them. It would help if you were careful while walking on the road. A pedestrian drunk driving accident could result in catastrophic injuries or death. 

  • Rollover accidents 

When a car rolls upside down or rolls over another vehicle, it is known as a rollover accident. A rollover accident is one of the riskiest and most fatal accidents caused by irresponsible drunk drivers. SUVs or commercial trucks with impaired drivers are most likely to cause a DUI accident. 

  • Jackknife accident

Many people may not have heard about this, but jackknife accidents have become a common occurrence in DUI accident cases. Such an accident occurs when the truck’s driving cab forms a V-shape with the truck’s trailer. The truck’s trailer can collide or crash into other vehicles resulting in severe damage. 

Irrespective of DUI accidents, you must avoid driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs. If you encounter an accident and suspect the driver might be DUI, you should contact a lawyer in Philadelphia.