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Don’t Allows These Misconceptions to Stop You From Filing a Personal Injury Claim

If you have been injured in an accident, you may be wondering if you should bring an insurance claim or hire a lawyer due to the misconceptions surrounding personal injury claims. However, injury lawyers can debunk these misconceptions and help you make an informed decision. These misconceptions include the following:

Personal Injury Attorneys are Expensive

A lot of accident victims do not hire an attorney because of the idea that legal services are expensive. But if you sustained an injury because of the negligent actions of another party, you don’t pay legal fees upfront. The reason is that your lawyer works on contingency, which means they only get paid when they successfully recover compensation for you. Often, this payment is a percentage of the total compensation you recover. 

A Minor Injury Does Not Deserve Compensation

Did you know that even a minor accident can lead to serious injuries? This is the reason you must get yourself checked by a doctor immediately after an accident. Only a doctor can determine whether you have a minor or serious injury. Some accident-related injuries do not present immediate symptoms. In fact, some symptoms may appear weeks or even months after an accident. 

But even if you get diagnosed with a minor injury, this does not mean you won’t need treatment. for instance, a minor injury such as whiplash may still need to be treated. For this injury, chiropractic care and physical therapy may be necessary. And such treatments cost money. Unless you have health insurance, you may have to pay those bills out of pocket. But a personal injury claim can help you recover compensation that covers these bills.

Personal Injury Cases Must be Resolved in Court

Some people may also be hesitant about filing a personal injury claim because they think they should testify in court. Although some cases end up in court, the majority gets resolved between the parties involved through a settlement. 

Even if you have filed a lawsuit, your case can still be settled before you go to court. Litigation is expensive and time-consuming, so insurers may choose to settle your claim to avoid court fees or other expenses. You and your lawyer will have to review their settlement offers to determine if they suit your needs.

Just because you file a lawsuit does not mean settlement negotiations end. Indeed, a lot of lawyers try to negotiate with insurers first. If an insurance company refuses to pay, then an attorney will file a lawsuit. However, they will still try to secure the best settlement offer for their client.